Tuesday, 2 October 2012

October 2

Russian Birthdays


Evgeni Sidihin - Russian theatre and film actor. Films: "Countess", «Behind the last line», «the Operation "Lucifer", «Wolf blood», «Mother don't grieve», etc.


Yri Levitan - announcer of all-Union radio


Peter Galperin - an outstanding Soviet physiologist and one of the leading Soviet scientists in the field of general, age and pedagogical psychology, the author of world famous theories and approaches


Boris Shaposhnikov - marshal of the Soviet Union, Soviet statesman, military theoretician, regular officer of old army

Sergey Nechaev - Russian revolutionist, organizer of society «National punishment»

Contributed by Vorozheikina Daria

1 comment:

  1. I've been searching to what I should comment. I've tried to find an interesting holiday or a person. When I've seen Levitan's birthday I deicide to make a comment, because he is a person who was the symbol of Russian journalism in The Great Patriotic War for me.
    Yuri Levitan was a man of great talent to report in a short time about a whole picture of an event. With his reports people could avoid death to go to bomb shelters to save their lives. He is famous for his phrase "Attention, Moscow is speaking" from which whole reports have started. His voice was instantly recognizable by the Soviet public. They couldn't imagine their live without it. Levitan was a "Stalin of Radio" for people.
